Pelatihan Hukum Konsultasi Asuransi PT Pegadaian




PT Pegadaian

Corporate Training
Pelatihan Hukum Konsultasi Asuransi PT Pegadaian

about the client

PT Pegadaian is a subsidiary of Bank Rakyat Indonesia that primarily operates in the pawnbroking sector. To support its business activities, by the end of 2022, the company had 12 regional office units, 61 area office units, 642 branch office units, and 3,444 service units spread across Indonesia.

Problem Statement

PT Pegadaian is implementing new regulations for its product insurance in 2023. There is a need for alignment of understanding and an enhancement of insights for employees in the relevant division to ensure that the company can guarantee the proper functioning of their operational practices. When receiving this corporate training request in less than 5 days, we swiftly put everything in motion. We delve into the training objectives, conduct research, seek credible speakers, and meticulously craft the event to be both insightful and captivating.

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Their Story

Elevating the skills of employees in the Legal Division and Credit & Insurance Risk Division of PT Pegadaian in the field of insurance consultant law.

The Result

The satisfaction level of participants is 4.9 out of 5 with the material presented, speakers, service, and experience provided by vosFoyer.

Partnering with Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, a distinguished Professor of International Law at the University of Indonesia, and Tagor Ricardo, a lawyer and legal and financial practitioner, the event unfolded with excitement and received appreciation from the participants.

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Corporate Training

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