The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, pursuing its founding mission that social justice is essential to universal and lasting peace.
The ILO has prioritized care work in the Women at Work and the Future of Work Centenary Initiatives. Achieving gender equality at work is crucial due to the adoption of SDG 5, which aims to recognize and value unpaid care work through public services, infrastructure, and social protection policies (target 5.4).
In Indonesia, 40% of women leave the workforce due to marriage, childbirth, and becoming unpaid care providers at home. Establishing consistent workplace policies to support women workers during the transition from pregnancy to motherhood while staying in the labor force is a significant focus of the Indonesia Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2022-2025, particularly under Country Priority 3: Enhancing protection for vulnerable groups of workers.
We invite related communities and influencers and conduct a workshop on care economy and its 3R Framework (recognize, reduce, redistribute), as well as capacity building on the necessary skills needed by the nano and micro influencers. The participants disseminate this information on their social media platforms, leveraging the knowledge acquired during the workshop through personalized storytelling.